Within Colombia's protests, people are calling for indigenous rights
Ernesto Moreno, Nicolas Reyes

Colombia’s 3rd national strike in two weeks took place this week. Thousands around the country are supporting different sectors of society and marching for their rights and change within their government.

Among those groups are the country’s indigenous. 

Most recently five members of Colombia's Indigenous guard were killed after an alleged confrontation with FARC dissidents. 

These communities are victims of armed groups that operate in Colombia's rural areas as criminal gangs try to manage the drug trade… and they’ve had enough. 

People have been protesting around Colombia for two weeks. 

Unlike protests in neighboring Latin American countries, Colombia’s has no one demand or leader. Instead, multiple groups are represented with varying demands. 

Earlier this week CGTN’s Michelle Begue spoke with protesters marching for these different groups. 

President Iván Duque’s administration has been talking with strike leaders and organizers but no agreements have been made.