Protesters occupy museum over “feminized” revolutionary leader

Protesters in Mexico City are demanding the Palace of Fine Arts remove a painting of Emiliano Zapata, a notorious revolutionary leader in the country.

The painting shows a naked Zapata, with a pink hat and high heels, on an aroused horse. 

According to the BBC, protesters find the painting offensive and say they will occupy the museum entrance until the painting is removed.
Zapata’s grandson is calling it ‘denigrating’ and is threatening to sue. 

Zapata, a poor farmer who stood up against land appropriation by the rich, was assassinated in 1919. 

The painting, by Fabián Cháirez, is part of an exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of Zapata’s death. 

The museum curator tells the BBC the painting is an “artistic representation that sparks debates about issues in Mexican society including homosexuality.”

The BBC also reports the painting has been on display elsewhere but gained attention after the Ministry of Culture used it to promote the exhibition on social media.