Poll: Americans rate governors higher than Trump amid COVID-19

If you're from California, New Jersey, New York or Washington state, you likely feel more confident in your governor than you do in President Donald Trump in battling the coronavirus pandemic.

A poll by Monmouth University found that 74% of people in these states said their governor -- Gavin Newsom of California, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Andrew Cuomo of New York or Jay Inslee of Washington -- has done a good job dealing with the pandemic.

Meanwhile only 50% of Americans believe the Trump has done a good job, and 45% who said he has done a bad job.

Across the U.S., all governors have gotten higher ratings than Trump.

72% of respondents said their state's governor has done a good job, while 18% said he or she has done a bad job.

The views on Trump are partisan. Here's the percent of people who said Trump was doing a good job:

89% of Republicans
48% of Independents
19% of Democrats

The views on the governors were more bipartisan. Here's who said their governor was doing a good job:

76% of Democrats
67% of Independents
73% of Republicans

The poll reached 851 adults in English using a random dialing of cell phone and landline phones.

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