COVID-19: Fed vows more financial aid during crisis, Boris Johnson let out of ICU

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced a new series of policies and plans on Thursday to make more loans and money available to stats, localities, and companies hit hard by the coronavirus. 

The Fed will add $2.3 trillion into the economy. According to the Associated Press, the U.S. central bank would be drawing in part on money made available from the U.S. Congress' new economic aid to buy municipal bonds and debt that did not qualify for federal backing. 

The COVID-19 outbreak shows little signs of slowing in the U.S., with more than 450,000 American cases confirmed and 15,772 deaths as of Thursday. 

New York state added another 799 reported deaths from the virus, the third straight day of high fatalities. 

Meanwhile, 16.8 million Americans have reportedly lost their jobs in the three weeks since the U.S. took more stringent efforts to combat the coronavirus outbreak. 

As the AP reports, the U.S. unemployment rate could his 15% in April - a number not seen since the end of the Great Depression. 

Across the pond, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved out of intensive care after being treated with worsening COVID-19 symptoms for three days. 

The PM's office said Johnson was in "extremely good spirits."

Finally, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has suggested that mass gatherings may be barred during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan beginning later this month. 

Khamenei urged the Shiite faithful to pray at home during the holiday. Shiite typically pray communally, especially during Ramadan, when communities share large meals and greetings each night. 

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