Like many women in the U.S., Sara Guillermo, Executive Director of IGNITE International, is excited about Kamala Harris's selection as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee. But as a women's political movement professional eager to help the next generation of political leaders, she also realized there is a lot of work to do to "bridge the gap in terms of gender parity in politics at every single level."
"They need support…They need money, endorsements, airtime, they need people to believe that they can be the next president, the next senator, the next congresswoman. They need all of that," Guillermo said.
IGNITE is one of the largest nonpartisan political organizations that empowers young women. Its students range from kindergarten girls to college graduates.
According to one research study comparing IGNITE women to a national sample of Gen Z peers, young women at IGNITE vote at a 90% rate and are much more engaged when it comes to discussing politics and sharing it on social media.
Here is more on how IGNITE teaches young women and girls about politics.
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