"The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" is a revolutionary painting completed in 1959.
It celebrates the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It’s now displayed in the central hall of the National Museum, and it's one of the highlights of the collection.
The painting is based on a historical event that is taught in classrooms throughout China. In 1941, five courageous Chinese soldiers fought invaders from the Japanese army on top of Mount Langya.
They deceived the advancing Japanese troops and drew them up the slopes of the mountain. The Japanese thought they were attacking the main army and lost valuable time.
The Chinese soldiers inflicted great damage on the Japanese force until they ran out of ammunition. Rather than face capture, they jumped off a cliff. Three of the Chinese soldiers died. Two survived to tell the story.
The painting was done by artist Zhan Jianjun. He infuses his painting with strong feelings. Rugged mountain peaks behind the soldiers evoke the majestic and unyielding spirit of these revolutionary heroes.
The work embodies the belief in the collective spirit of sacrifice and encourages the Chinese people to selflessly contribute to their country.
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