2021.08.18 06:42 GMT+8

What will happen to women under Taliban rule?

Updated 2021.08.18 06:42 GMT+8
April Lanuza

What will happen to the women in Afghanistan?

Many inside the country and around the world are questioning what life will be like a second time under Taliban rule. 

The Taliban says they will keep women’s rights within "the limits of Islam," but what does that mean?

Under Taliban authority in the 1990s women couldn't work, go to school, be seen in public without a male escort, had to cover themselves completely, and follow other strict rules. 

If they disobeyed, women faced severe punishments, including public beatings and executions. 

After the recent Taliban takeover, one shop in Kabul saw a rise in burqa sales, reports CNN.

People in Afghanistan are scared and some women are choosing to stay home.

The Taliban has not given specifics on what respecting women's rights within the framework of Islam will entail.

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