Ambassador Qin Gang delivers remarks to students at Welcome to Class of 2025 of NYU Shanghai

On September 14, Ambassador Qin Gang expressed best wishes via video to the students of Class of 2025 of New York University Shanghai at its welcome event.

Ambassador Qin warmly congratulated the students on their upcoming study and life at NYU Shanghai. He said, nowadays countries are interconnected and interdependent, and people-to-people exchanges are an everlasting driving force for the development of bilateral relations. China will continue to support China-US educational exchanges, encourage exchange programs, and deepen collaboration between universities of the two countries. NYU Shanghai is China's first joint-venture research university with the US. As Confucius said, "Three persons together, and you will find a mentor". It is hoped that students of NYU Shanghai will value the opportunity to share perspectives with teachers and students from different countries, and show accommodation for each other. He believed that they will find in each other lifelong mentors and friends and become goodwill ambassadors between China and the world. He also wished the students every success.

Approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education and founded in 2012, New York University Shanghai is a joint-venture higher education institution between East China Normal University and New York University. It is one of the three degree-granting campuses of New York University.

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