Final results in the 2021 Hong Kong Election Committee's subsector ordinary elections show that 364 people from several different sectors have made it to the Election Committee.
Ballots closed at 6:00 p.m. local time Sunday at six polling stations across Hong Kong. It is the first elections since improvements were made to Hong Kong's electoral system earlier this year.
The voter turnout rate was 90 percent with 4,380 total voters.
The Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress passed the "Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Electoral System" on March 11.
The decision expanded the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Election Commission to five sectors with a total of 1,500 people.
They are responsible for electing candidates for Hong Kong Chief Executive, some members of the Legislative Council, and the nomination of candidates for the Chief Executive and Legislative Council members.
Of the 1,500-seat Election Committee, 325 people were validly registered as ex officio members of the Election Committee, 156 people were validly nominated as members of the Election Committee, 603 candidates were automatically elected, and the 412 candidates competed for the 364 seats on Sunday.
Because legislative council members have not yet held general elections and some ex officio members have overlapping status, the total did not equal 1500.
Here are the sector breakdowns that have been released so far:
15 from the architectural, surveying, planning and landscape sector.
17 from the insurance sector.
17 from the commercial (third) sector.
15 from the legal sector.
15 from Chinese medicine sector.
14 from the technology and innovation sector.
14 from the medical and health services sector.
12 people have been elected from the social welfare sector.
16 from the financial services sector.
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