2021.12.31 06:42 GMT+8

'Good riddance!' Crowd burns their most hated 2021 memories

Updated 2021.12.31 06:42 GMT+8

Haunted by bad memories of 2021? Watch actor Jonathan Bennett lead a crowd in New York City's Times Square as they take the worst things they faced all year and burn them. It's the 15th Annual "Good Riddance Day".

Participants wrote out on sheets of paper the things they hated the most about the year and were most eager to get rid of. "COVID-19", "stress", "rich people traveling to space", "financial problems", and "toxic people" were among the hundreds of grievances that were thrown into an incinerator while the crowd cheered.

The tradition originally began in 2003 with a large paper shredder instead of a fire pit, but the sentiment has always the same: out with the bad, in with the good. The organizers call the event 'therapeutic', especially in a year dominated by life stressors and terrible news for so many Americans.

What parts of 2021 would you like to say 'good riddance' to and throw into the fire?

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