2023.04.06 04:45 GMT+8

Israeli forces storm Al Aqsa mosque and attack people inside

Updated 2023.04.06 04:45 GMT+8
Omar Elwafaii

Israeli forces were filmed storming Al Aqsa Mosque Compound and attacking dozens of people inside including old women and children. The attack happened in the early morning hours of April, 5 in the occupied city of Jerusalem, Palestine.

Israeli police say they were forced to enter the mosque because “masked agitators” had locked themselves inside. Video seems to show Israeli forces beating a group of people indiscriminately inside the mosque.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said it was prevented by Israeli forces from reaching the mosque, but that it had reports of several injuries.

Hours after the attack, Israeli forces entered the compound again and were seen pushing Muslim worshipers in order to make way for an incursion of heavily guarded Jewish visitors.

Tensions are especially high during this Muslim holy month of Ramada, which this year coincides with the Jewish festival of Passover and the Christian holiday of Easter.

Following the attacks on Al Aqsa, two rockets from Gaza were reportedly fired in the direction of Israel, with one landing inside Gaza itself and the other hitting an open field near the border, according to Israeli forces.

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