2023.04.24 06:39 GMT+8

World Book and Copyright Day

Updated 2023.04.24 06:39 GMT+8
Dan Williams

World Book and Copyright Day has been around since 1996.

That's long enough for many to forget -- if they knew at all -- why April 23 was selected.

It happens to be the day that three towering literary figures died: William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

All three passed away on the same day in 1616, though some historians believe Cervantes was buried on that day, having died two days earlier.

The World Book Capital for 2023 is Accra, Ghana. It was selected two years ago in a global competition. 

Accra's campaign stressed the need to focus on young people.

It also pledged to use mobile libraries to serve groups with high levels of illiteracy, including women, street children and the disabled.

If you are in Barcelona, Spain, on April 23 and someone gives you a flower and something to read, you can thank the patron saint of Catalonians, St. Jordi.

It is a tradition for lovers to give each other a book and a rose to mark the day.

Vendors set up stalls along the city's historic La Rambla promenade to cater to the love-struck.

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