Red Cross delivers crucial humanitarian aid amidst Sudan crisis
Omar Elwafaii
Red Cross delivers crucial humanitarian aid amidst Sudan crisis

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has announced the delivery of a vital 8-tonne shipment of humanitarian aid to Port Sudan.

This marks the first international aid delivery to the region, providing much-needed support to Sudanese hospitals and the Sudan Red Crescent Society (SRCS) volunteers. 

These medical professionals are currently tending to the thousands of individuals wounded in the ongoing conflict.Included in the shipment are essential medical supplies such as anesthetics, dressings, sutures, and other surgical materials. These resources will help bolster the capacity of local medical facilities to provide life-saving care to the affected population.

However, the ICRC also emphasized the need for safe passage guarantees from the warring parties to ensure the aid can reach areas with active fighting, such as Khartoum. As hostilities persist, the ability to deliver these supplies to the most vulnerable becomes increasingly critical.

The ongoing conflict has already claimed the lives of at least 528 individuals, with 4,599 more injured, according to the health ministry. The United Nations has reported similar numbers but estimates that the actual death toll may be significantly higher. 

As the situation continues to worsen, foreign nationals have begun fleeing the region in one of the largest evacuations since the U.S.-led forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.

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Source(s): Reuters

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