2023.05.23 04:30 GMT+8

Hezbollah holds military exercises in southern Lebanon, near Israel border

Updated 2023.05.23 04:30 GMT+8
CGTN America

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Hezbollah, the militant group in Lebanon, held fighting exercises at a training site near the Southern Lebanese-Israel border on Sunday, May 21. Media were invited to see simulated combat including masked fighters firing arms and blowing up targets at a wall simulating the one that separates Israel and Lebanon.

The display was meant to mark Liberation Day which celebrates the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from south Lebanon in 2000. But the show of firepower also comes following a recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. In response to Israeli raids on worshipers at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, rockets were fired on Israel from southern Lebanon, and Israel responded with airstrikes into Lebanon. 

Hezbollah did not claim responsibility for the rocket attack.

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