One of the trains involved in the deadly collision in India last week resumed operations on Wednesday, June 7, as the death toll from one of the most deadly rail crashes in the country’s history passes 275. The investigation into the cause of the crash has begun, with preliminary findings focusing on signal failure as the likely cause.
The grisly train derailment in India’s Odisha state killed at least 275 people and injured over 1,200, in what is one of the worst train disasters in the country in over two decades.
As officials investigate the causes of the derailment, a recent report from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India revealed the common causes for similar disasters from 2017 to 2021.
Between those years, the inquiry found that track maintenance was a major cause of many of the incidents. Train defects were the third most common cause of train derailments, according to the document. Take a look.