Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election

Argentina will hold a presidential election on Sunday, October 22, to decide who will take office on December 10 and govern for four years until the end of 2027. Take a look at what’s going on ahead of Sunday’s election.

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Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election
Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election
Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election

Argentina heads to the polls at 8 a.m. on  Sunday, October 22 to elect a new president.


JAVIER MILEI : Economist from the libertarian party La Libertad Avanza (LLA), the radical outsider is the current front-runner.

SERGIO MASSA:  Ruling party economy minister representing Union por la Patria (UP) coalition.

PATRICIAL BULLRICH: Former security minister from the center-right Juntos por el Cambio(JxC) coalition, conservative.

Peronist JUAN SCHIARETTI from Hacemos por Nuestro País and MYRIAM BREGMAN from the leftist Frente de Izquierda coalition are also on the ballot, but polls show voter support at less than 6% each.

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Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election
Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election
Argentina gears up for Sunday's presidential election

To win in the first round, a candidate has to obtain more than 45% of votes or more than 40% with a more than 10-point lead over the second-place candidate.

If no candidate wins in the first round, the top two will continue to a runoff on Sunday, Nov. 19.

Voting is mandatory in  Argentina for citizens between 18 and 70 years old.
Voting is optional in Argentina for people 16-17 years old, and for those over 70.

The election comes as Argentina struggles with 124 percent yearly inflation and a looming recession.  Foreign exchange reserves are in the negative, and the peso has lost 44 percent.

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